Kumar Yatru-Tamang a former editor of 'Rajdhani' national daily, currently is associated with Indigenous Media Foundation, as an editor of Indigenous Voice online and radio program. He has experience working in different media from online, radio, television and print for over 20-years. He has expertise in local governance and migration issues. He has written several training manuals, books and journal articles on migration, local governance and indigenous peoples' issues. He is also General Secretary of Media Initiative for Rights, Equity and Social Transformation (MIREST-NEPAL)
Socio-cultural Identity
12 Jul 2024, FridayKumar Yatru-TamangHumlo People Recognized as Indigenous Nationality in Nepal
Environment and Development
03 Feb 2022, ThursdayKumar Yatru-TamangHydro plants on Likhu River affect local lives and livelihoods
Views and Analysis
04 Sep 2020, FridayKumar Yatru-TamangWhy are indigenous Newar people angry with the government?
Law and Human Rights
27 Jul 2020, MondayKumar Yatru-TamangNo country for indigenous Chepang people
Socio-cultural Identity
28 May 2020, ThursdayKumar Yatru-TamangSmell of soil in our indigenous knowledge