Transmission Tragedy in Lamjung Nepal

Admin05 Dec 2021, Sunday
Transmission Tragedy in Lamjung Nepal

Indigenous Television, Lawyers Association for Human Rights of Nepalese Indigenous Peoples (LAHURNIP) and Accountability Counsel jointly unveiled a video documentary ‘Transmission Tragedy’ that portrays the grievances of the affected Indigenous and local communities of the 220 KV Marshyangdi Corridor Transmission Line in Lamjung District in Nepal, financed by European Investment Bank (EIB).

EIB has contributed approximately US$110 Million to the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) as part of a broader investment in the hydropower sector. But “the project violates the EIB’s social and environmental safeguards and the finance contract between the EIB and NEA,” says a statement issued jointly by LAHURNIP) and Accountability Counsel.

With inadequate information disclosure and an insufficient consultation process, affected local community members fear that continued construction of the transmission line will threaten their livelihoods, devalue their land, harm their community forests and destroy their way of life.

With inadequate information disclosure and an insufficient consultation process, affected local community members fear that continued construction of the transmission line will threaten their livelihoods, devalue their land, harm their community forests and destroy their way of life.

Affected local community members demand that the EIB suspend project construction unless it recognizes their right to Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC). EIB’s Independent Complaints Mechanism in April 2021 found that there was massive violation of Indigenous Peoples rights including FPIC in the 220 KV Marshyangdi Corridor Transmission Line. The conclusion report also recommended NEA to make an action plan appointing the experts to engage meaningfully affected Indigenous and local communities within a 6-months period. NEA however did not implement any recommendations made by EIB Complaints Mechanism within the stated deadline.

EIB, for the first time, is holding a dialogue regarding the EIB-funded Marshangdi Corridor Transmission line project on October 28 with Indigenous and Local community members from across Lamjung district.

Watch the full video documentary ‘Transmission Tragedy' here.


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