Indigenous Media Foundation is pleased to bring second series of translated version of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) into mother tongue of 20 different indigenous peoples of Nepal. In the first series, it had facilitated to translate UDHR into mother tongues of 21 different indigenous peoples of Nepal. UDHR was adopted by UN General Assembly on 10 December, 1948. Being a member of UN, the government of Nepal has long been expressing its commitments towards human rights and fundamental freedoms of people as laid down in this declaration in both national and international forums. It is not shocking to know that Indigenous Peoples in Nepal are unaware of the rights laid down in this declaration, because they have been subjugated for centuries and have been excluded and marginalized in all walks including education, politics, social, culture, economic and so forth. Therefore, Indigenous Media Foundation has made this effort to translate UDHR into their own mother tongues and make them and their communities aware at least to some extent about their universal rights. It is hoped that this publication be great tool in the advocacy works relating to the rights of indigenous peoples.